Masters Scholarship 2014

2 Year Masters Scholarship in Sensory Augmentation

This scholarship is now closed
Though enthusiastic individuals are welcome to make contact about it.


Eye4We have a first-stages project about giving people extra senses using new technologies. We will use depth cameras, such as time-of-flight cameras, to provide 3D data that will be delivered as a soundscape.

Our project is well-specified, funded, and we just need the right person to help us work on it.

This will appeal to those interested in:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  • Psychology & cybernetics.

  • Assistive technologies.

  • Spatial audio and signal processing.

To apply, email your CV along with a short message summarising your relevant interests and experience, to

Main Responsibilities

  • Develop physical user interface and sensory augmentation prototype with Arduino.

  • Process sensory 3D data in real time with Point Cloud Library.

  • Produce spatial soundscapes using HARK and SLAB3D.


Application Deadline: December 31, 2014.

Estimated Duration: January/February 2015 – January/February 2017.

Scholarship amount: 1500TL/month, not taxed.

Main Requirements: Registered full-time for a Masters degree in Turkey.

Principle Investigator: Damien Jade Duff,

Researcher: Gökhan İnce,



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